Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Painting Fun

When we bought our new house, we had completely fallen in love with the layout, size, and yard, but we hated the colors.  One front room was mint green, the dining room powder blue, the kitchen pale yellow, and the living room was all white with one dark blue accent wall.  Did I mention it's an open floor plan and there were floral stencils everywhere?  Upstairs we had one bedroom with neon orange walls and neon yellow trim (I am not kidding), another room with periwinkle blue/purple with bubble gum pink (again, not kidding), and then our loft was the piece-de-resistance: orange with green and yellow daisy and sun stencils!  We spent the first few months painting the two bedrooms and the entire downstairs, a solid two days tackling the loft (which is Corgan's playroom and I'll share that with you in a separate post), and most recently Stuart and I tackled the stairwell and upstairs hallway.

You can see a 'before shot' of our boring hallway.  The yellow on the right is the accent wall in the loft, and the tan color is what we chose to paint it, and, yes, the beer is a necessity to any painting project.

 We had to get a paint roller extender in order to paint our stairwell...

...and we put it to good use!  This would be Stuart listening to 'Disco Stick' by Lady Gaga.  I love this man!

 Here is the final product.  You can see that we kept the white trim, and painted every surface in tan.  The change is amazing.  There is nothing like a fresh coat of paint.

The stairway was not fun to do, seeing as we had to reach over the edge from above to paint under the trim.  It was awesome seeing Stuart lean over with his monkey arms to paint the corners that I couldn't reach.

....I think I'll have to share a video of monkey arms with you at a later date...

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