Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Adventures in Cloth Diapering

Before Corgan was born we had looked very closely into cloth diapering.  We have some friends who used cloth diapers with their kiddos and they loved it!  We research different brand (Bum Genius, Thirsties, FuzzieBunz, etc.) and looked into the cost of cloth vs. the cost of disposable.  We also took into account the environmental impact of both, and the cleaning of cloth vs. the dumping of disposable.  In the end we went with disposable because they are a known evil.  It takes a few hundred dollars to get started with cloth, and only a couple dozen to start with disposable.  We also didn't think that daily laundry with a newborn would be particularly convenient, and for the first 13 months we lived into our decision.  Then Corgan forced us to change our tactic.

Right after her first birthday, Corgan got a really gnarly case of diaper rash.  She had had spaghetti for three nights in a row (she loves that stuff!) so I figured it was the acidic tomatoes, put a bunch of diaper cream on her, and it cleared up after a few days.  Then it came back, and we couldn't figure out why. We used more diaper cream.  Nothing changed.  We changed to a different brand of diapers and it cleared up.  So we were now Huggies buyers instead of Pampers even though Pampers hadn't steered us wrong yet.  A few days later, the rash was back.  Not good.  We tried a different brand of diaper cream this time, and again the rash cleared up.  Then it came back. At this point we had been going for almost three weeks of an off-and-on rash.

While a reoccurring rash was a concern, what really had me worried was the type of rash.  It wasn't just red, it was raised red bumps.  Corgan's Godmother had once mentioned to me that we needed to keep an eye out for bumps, because that could mean a yeast infection.  Well, this little jewel of wisdom didn't occur to me until after work on a Friday, so I planned on taking baby-girl in to her doctor on the following Monday. In the meantime, I went to HEB and bought a different kind of diaper.  This time a got Seventh Generation Free-and-Clear.  There are no dies, no bleaching, and no perfumes.  This had to work, right? Heck, NO!  Corgan got a contact rash all over her butt, 'girl parts,' and inner thighs all the way down to her knees!

I took her into her pediatrician on Monday morning (after lots of naked-baby time on Sunday), we were prescribed hydro-cortisone creme, lots of naked time, and cloth diapers! I was floored.  A parent will do anything for her child, so I knew we would do it, but I had no idea where to start.  I remember all the confusing parts to cloth diapers, the complex washing instructions, and we that had purposefully avoided cloth diapers.

I called out from work for the rest of the day, took Baby Girl home (after picking up the meds), plopped her naked butt in the playroom, and began researching cloth diapers again.  I quickly found out that in the seventh-largest city in the United States there are no diaper services!!! Can you believe that!  There used to be one that everyone swore by, and now its closed.  It could be that it was names Debbie Does Diapers (I'm sooo not kidding), or it could be the type of town that San Antonio is.  What did that mean for us? Washing poo diapers at home.  Okay. I can do that.  But what brand?  Further research showed me that there were two 'natural' baby stores in town, but they were in the farthest areas of town from where I live. Did I mention that we are the seventh-largest city?  That's a long way.  I ended up taking Baby Girl to Babies-R-Us, which is still not close to us, and we ended up with the gDiaper brand.  It's the only brand that Babies-R-Us carries, but it seemed like it would work.

This brand has a removable inner 'plastic' lining that is really fabric, and either disposable (but chemical free and compostable) inserts or cloth inserts.  By doctor's orders, Baby Girl needed to stay naked for the next few days, so Stuart took off work on Tuesday, and my awesome mother-in-law came on Wednesday afternoon so that neither of us had to miss too much more work.  God bless her for chasing after a naked toddler.  Keep in mind that naked does not mean she stops peeing or pooping.

On Tuesday afternoon (yes, while I was at work), I called Corgan's daycare to fill them in on everything, and to let them know that we would be back in on Thursday, and then they dropped the bomb.  They don't allow cloth diapers.  What!!!  I couldn't believe it.  The lady I was speaking with was incredibly nice about it, but just said they had a corporate policy that didn't allow cloth diapers for sanitation purposes.  Here I was, crazy busy at work, weeks away from show time for the musical, a sick baby at home, and now I might have to find a new daycare on top of it?  What the **bleep**?  I calmly said to the daycare lady, "Are you telling me that because my daughter has an allergic reaction do disposable, and has a doctor's order to use cloth that I now have to relocate her to a completely different day care?"  There was an ever-so-small pause on the other end, and then, "I'll call an executive and see what I can do."  Ah.  A glimmer of hope.  She assured me that she would call me back by the next day to let me know.  Great.  If she came back with a 'no,' then I would have less than 24 hours to find another daycare that would take a baby who uses cloth diapers.

I was relieved the next day when I got the call that as long as I had the doctor fax in a note about the diapers, then they would let Corgan stay 'with executive approval.'  I know that sounds snarky, but the daycare was never rude about any of this, and they really did come through.  If you ever want a recommendation for a daycare, go to Country Home.  I love them!

We've been using cloth diapers now for a little over a month, and the diaper rash is all but gone.  Corgan has a rather nasty flare up of the rash after each poo, but diaper cream soothes it.  Other than that she's a happy camper.  However, we're still looking into the reoccurring rash.  I'm calling her doctor on Monday to take her in to see if she should be reacting to her poo this way.  Any parents out there have any ideas?  We're still doing a lot of naked-baby time, and it's only after the poo.  I hope this saga will end soon, but I love my little gDiaper butt!

The end. ;)

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