Tuesday, February 7, 2012

The Big Game

I don't deny it.  That conversation actually took place.  That's exactly how much I care about football and the Super Bowl.  The past few years we've gone out to my parents to watch the game, but I mainly go to visit and have good food.  Stuart fakes that he likes to watch the game, but keeping reading and you will find out the truth.  The amazing thing is that Corgan could actually cares less than me!

Corgan kept going through Mom's coffee table drawers and taking out each item piece by piece. Apparently she used to do this a lot with Mom when Mom used to watch Corgan during the day.  Who's watchin' football with that going on?

She also spent a lot of time playing with her Gigi.  My Oma Betty LOVES this little one, but doesn't get to see her that often.  My work schedule doesn't allow frequent trips away, and even though she only lives in Boerne, the visits are few and far between. They both couldn't keep from giggling the whole evening. Makes a mom's (and granddaughter's) heart melt a little.

Then Corgan decided to play a game with Grandpa.  She took two bottles of product from one of Mom's drawers and kept walking it back and forth from the living room to the den.  This gives you a GREAT look into how freakishly active this kiddo is.  This is non-stop from 7 in the morning to 7 at night with only a short nap in between.  The video shows two round trips, but Corgan must have done it 30 times! Grandpa didn't get much watching of the pre-game done with little miss on the move.

We stayed at Mom's house throughout the whole game.  Corgan went to bed upstairs at the beginning of half-time (that was no comment on the half-time show, she will learn to love early-Madonna), and we were able to watch the rest of the game.  Kind of.  Stuart 'watched' the game like he always does at my parent's house.

It was a fun day with family! Any excuse to post random pictures of my husband sleeping places is a good day!

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