Monday, February 13, 2012

Sunday: The Day of Rest

I always find it funny that we call Sunday the day of rest.  For those of you who know me personally, you know I work at a church.  Sunday is not a day of rest.  Now, I know that I don't go to church as often as I should, but when I do go, it's always a crazy, busy whirlwind.  When I don't go it's because I've got too much going on at home to go to church.  This Sunday, we made plans to stay home and relax.  (Yes, we plan our relaxing. Deal with it.)  I actually told my priest and our music director that Stuart, Corgan, and I were going to relax at home and have a 'pajama day.' Wow, did that NOT happen.

First, my 'sleep in' was until 7:30.  Baby girl made one peep, and Stuart lovingly got up because he knew it was my day to sleep in. Didn't matter.  That one little noise through the monitor had me awake.  I stayed in bed for 15 more minutes and went down stairs.  Happily coffee was ready, and baby child was still asleep.  (Apparently she peeped, but didn't get up.) Stuart and I casually had breakfast, and then he let the bomb drop.  Our Little Man (Darwin, our first dog) had possible blown out his back on Saturday, so he was going to take him into the vet once they opened.  Great.  Good thing Friday was payday.  The real good thing was that I got to spend the morning with Corgan!  I really did enjoy that part.  Unfortunately...

part way through the morning I noticed that Corgan kept getting eye boggies.  I kept wiping them away, but they kept creeping across her eye.  I texted Stuart that I thought she might have pink eye and that I would wait until after her nap to see if she got crusties.  Boy howdy!  She got crusties!  So after Stuart returned from the vet with a diagnoses of Intervertabral Disk Disease, pain meds, and the mandate to stay in isolation and immobile for three weeks, I got to spend two hours at the Texas Med Clinic with a one year old. 

Luckily, I have the greatest kiddo on the planet, and she didn't fuss once.  She spent the entire time wandering around the waiting room snacking on gold fish and juice while waving at people.  We got a VERY quick diagnoses of conjunctivitis and left to go get meds for her too.

We got home and Stuart was cooking an amazing meal (check out Friday's blog), we ate, we all played in the play room, and we put baby child to bed.  Then I did about an hour and a half of work for my actual job while Stuart studied.  We also ran two loads of dishes, ran four loads of laundry, went grocery shopping, put away three baskets of clothes, changed the litter box, and made a clock (check out Thursday's blog.)  So much for our 'pajama day.'

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