Thursday, August 2, 2012

Home With a Sick Corgan

Corgan woke up yeseterday with a fever, so daycare was out of the question.  We're still in summer mode at the office, so I took Corgan duty and got to spend the day with her.  I had to go into the office for an early with meeting with my boss, but seeing as we jokingly call him 'The Baby Whisperer,' I brought Corgan along.  She did great during the meeting, and then wanted to explore the campus and the office.

We took a little detour out onto the Jr. Kinder playground.  It wasn't even 9 o'clock, so the temperature was actually reasonable, and all the equipment is just about her size.  We toddled around outside for a bit, then went back inside to grab my things...

And then she found some books.  What toddler doesn't want to read a Word Perfect 9 instruction manual?!?

We headed home shortly after that, and she took a turn for the worse. By the time she was ready for a nap, her temperature was up to 103.2. Not good.  I gave her some Tylenol, and she slept for about an hour (which is more than usual), and woke up not like herself. This is a kiddo that is always waaaay too busy to cuddle. After her nap, she laid tummy to tummy with me on the comfy chair and watched 40 minutes of Sesame Street without flinching.  

She perked up a little about 3:30, so I took the opportunity to run two errands.  I had 8 almost overdue library books to return, and we were almost out of her soy milk.  She took along her new bunny doll that one of her Nana's friend crocheted for her.  She was quiet for a good long time, so I looked back while I was at a red light.  What did I find?...

She had completely de-tailed the bunny!!!  Little shreds of white, fluffy bunny tail were all over the back seat.  It was oddly cute. Now the bunny has a little nubbin.  

Running errands gave her a second wind, so she ran all around the house until bed time. She tried on mommy's shoes...

Caught up with some spiritual literature...

and even managed to fit in some light fiction.

She crashed out a little before her regular bed time without any fuss.  Here's to a healthier day for her tomorrow, but I loved spending some good quality time with my Little One!

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