Thursday, August 16, 2012

Stuart's Photo Dump

No, this is not a guest blog from the hubby, and no, this is not a disturbing reference. Stuart blew up my email inbox when he sent me a whole bunch of pictures he had taken on his phone.   I picked a few of the gems to share with you all:

Here is one of Baby Girl when we had first moved into the house.  How tiny?!? Plus, it's way too obvious how big her head is!  When she was born her height and weight were in the 28th percentile, but her head was in the 50th.  She still has a large head in proportion to her body, but look at this head!! (Love her to death though.)

I wanted to post this one to embarrass my mom. In the small thumbnail that was in the email it looked my mom was trying to eat Corgan's head, now that I've uploaded it to my blog, I realize that it is me trying to eat Corgan's head.  Oh, well.  It's still funny.

Here is the real gem, though.  Don't ask.


  1. Hi Haley! This is Jessica, Corgan's old day care teacher. I found out about your blog from Janelle. I love it. Seeing Corgan grow up is amazing. I was going to tell you that i have pictures of her from when we would have photoshoots in class and such. I can email them to you if you'd like. Hope all is well! Miss that little girl!!

    1. Good to hear from you! Are you still at the day care? I don't post my email on here, so I can give it to you there or I can give it to Janelle to get to you.

  2. No unfortunately not but hopefully i will be applying to another location. You can give it to Janelle though that would be perfect! :)
