Thursday, April 12, 2012

Colorful Clock Project

Forever ago (in a land when I had time) I decided that I wanted to put a clock up in the loft/playroom, because it drove us nuts checking our phones for the time.  Corgan is obsessed with our cell phones so every time we take them out she throws a hissy fit when she doesn't get to play with it.  I searched the web for cute, primary or rainbow colored clocks and came up with nada!  In true Fits & Starts fashion, I decided to make my own. 

I found a blank spot on our wall and decided that I wanted this thing to be huge.  Our loft is decorated with some of the stuff that was in my nursery when I was a baby.  Mom had it decorated with rainbows, and she kept a lot of the things. We also figured this would be gender neutral in case we have a boy in the future.

I went to Hobby Lobby and bought some 6 inch wooden numbers.  They come pre-cut and sanded so all I had to do was paint them.  I used tempra paint (which is awesome stuff!) and color coded the numbers using dots so I wouldn't mess up my pattern. After three coats of paint, I sprayed them with a polyurethane coating so that they are slightly glossy.

Voila! I used a store bought set of clock hands, again from Hobby Lobby, and put a sheet of yellow scrapbook paper as the backing.  I used padded, two-sided tape that you use in scrap books, and they stick really well.  The clock hands have fallen down so I need to actually mount them with nails, which I'll get around to at some point.

And here's Little One enjoying her things (like a little tornado), while I know that we're one hour to lunch! This must've been taken on a Saturday since it's 10:40 and she's still in her pajamas :)

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