Wednesday, May 2, 2012

School Pictures

Each year, Corgan's day care take 'school' photos, and we just got this year's batch.  I can say that it is a VAST improvement over her ones from last year.  I am also in shock to see side-by-side proof of how fast Little One is growing up. Dang-it!  Now the water works are flowing!

How did they get my little wiggle-butt to sit still for these!!!

Not such a happy camper last year...

1 comment:

  1. I love these! Please order me a copy if you can. I will pay for them. They are all cute, but I think the first 3 are my favorite. Hard to decide, but maybe 0255(the 3rd) is my favorite. I like the shy look in the first one, the happy look in the second and the sweet look in the third. With last years and this years it's the beginning of a school pic scrapbook. Yippee!!!!
    Thanks, Janet
