Monday, May 21, 2012

A Week Goes By...

I totally forgot to blog last week.  Wow.  We've been so busy, and with this whole P90X thing, we've had so little time.  I looked up and it was Sunday, and I hadn't posted since the previous Wednesday.  So, for your viewing pleasure, here's a photo dump of our family's activities:

 We ran lots of errands with Corgan in her front-facing car seat.  What a great time!!! She loves it, and I love the lack of screaming coming from the back seat. She really hated the rear-facing seat.

 We read lots of books.  She is a total bibliophile (yet more proof that she is my daughter!), and she is always running to her bookshelves to grab the next great read.

 We went to the San Antonio Talons arena football game with some friends from our works, and actually had a good time.  People-watching is great at these types of events!

 ...and there was $1 Modelo draft! At the Alamodome! Granted, they were only 10 oz, and we only had two in the 4 hours we were there, but who ever heard of $1 beer at a sporting event? Weird.

 I spent time organizing my closet :) Yes, that was fun.  I realized how great prepping my meals was going, so I decided to prep my clothes.  I matched tops and accessories and hung them on special colored hangers. This way I don't have to think about clothes in the morning.  I just grab and go.  I'm actually kind of excited to see how this works out, and yes, I know I'm insane.

Our little budding artist kept busy, too.  Her favorite time at day care is story time, closely followed by craft time (or so we're told).  She loves her crayons and chalk, and when I get more comfortable with mess (ha!) she'll love her finger paints.

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