Monday, June 11, 2012

Blog Interactive

As summer continues, I've been getting more and more lazy with my blogging.  The days are so much fun with a growing toddler that I'm wiped by the time the evening comes around and feeling less than inspired to write.  To that end, I am enlisting your help. Below you will find a few blog titles with either a short synopsis or a picture to go along with it.  Leave a comment on the blog or Facebook letting me know which ones you want to see, and I will write them. I am also accepting 'write in' suggestions from anyone except Stuart :)

A Day at the Pool
Do I really need to explain this one?

Corgan Goes 'Ouch'
I have a child who might possibly be more accident prone than me. This is not a good thing...

A New Toy

Focus on Your Strengths
Stuart and I took a fantastic class called 'Strengths for Couples' and it was really neat to see how our own personal strengths interplay with the other person's strengths.  It's amazing we don't kill each other more...

Foodie Friday: Lemon Shrimp Pasta

Name That Body Part...
This is not nearly as creepy as it sounds.  I finally caught Corgan on tape when she was naming and finding different parts of her body.

Coolest Hairdo Ever!

Look Ma, I Made a Cross
A cute video of Corgan and Lily.  The name will be self-explanatory.

This is what you get when you try to stage a video of your toddler. You never get what you want...

What to do with Bangs
I have a parenting dilemma, and am seeking advice.  My friend Molly did this and it worked out well for her.

Messy Kids are NOT Good for OCD
I am convinced that God made me want kids so that I could get over some of my OCD tendencies (yes, this is an official diagnoses, and I really would call it CDO if I could).  Great video of the proof!

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