Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Time Out Stool - A Tutorial

I got a great idea on Pinterest to make a time out chair for Corgan. It was super cute and detailed, but I know my limitations.  I can paint color blocks, but details? Fat chance. I had an extra stool that Stuart's mom brought down from his Grandmother's house, and it needed some love, so I decided to convert it.

I started with a plain stool, sanded down the services, then spray painted it with some white primer.  I forgot to get a picture of this step, but I'm pretty sure you can figure it out.  I only did one coat, and we were ready to go.

Once the spray paint was dry, I took some basic tempra poster paint and painted each piece of wood a different color.  Her loft playroom is a rainbow theme, so basic primary colors and green were all I needed.  I had to do a few coats to get the coverage I wanted, but it still has a slightly 'brushed' look, which I like.

Next, I took some scrapbook letters and spelled out the words I wanted.  I don't have a Cricut (oh, one day....) so I had to use the pre-scored letters.  They turned out really cute though.  I used some home-made mod podge (which I also got from Pinterest) and stuck the letters onto the top of the stool.

If you're like me, and you can't make a straight line, tilt your letters in a funky pattern.  It will ensure that you don't go insane trying to make everything line up :)

About a week after I got this project finished, we were unfortunate enough to have to use it.  Corgan decided that the word 'no' was funny, and that grabbing all the cat's skin and pulling her off the window seat would be fun.  A couple of warnings, a bunch of maniacal giggles, and an unhappy cat later....enter the time out stool.  This was the first 'time out' at home, although they use time outs at day care, so we started with one minute.  At first she thought is was funny that I wouldn't let her up.  Then she got MAAAADDD!!! 60 seconds must be an eternity to a 17 month old. 

It's amazing how fast she learned though.  We've had to correct some behavior the past couple of days, and Stuart and I have both threatened a 'time out' and she instantly says 'no' and changes her behavior.  I'm sure we'll end up using it again, but for now it worked like a charm!

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