Monday, June 4, 2012

New Video Monitor

A couple of weeks ago we got a new baby monitor for Corgan.  It's a video monitor, which I always said I would never get.  They are 3-4 times more expensive than the audio only monitors, and all you really need is sound, right?  Wrong!!!  I am totally addicted to watching my Little One sleep!  Yes, you only really need sound, but it is so much fun to watch her toss and turn.  She ends up in the cutest positions.  My favorite is when she puts her butt straight up in the air.  :)

We're quickly learning two things about our daughter: 1) she sleeps like me, and 2) she is soooo easy going.  What do I mean?  "She sleeps like me" means that she sleeps like the dead, but tosses and turns more than anyone I know.  I have quite literally slept through a bombing that shook my house, and never even knew it.  This kid would do the same.  She sleeps 7 PM to 7 AM all on her own regardless of what's going on in the house, and no noise from downstairs will wake her up.  Even when our three very loud dogs are having a rough-and-tumble-fest, she peacefully sleeps on.

"She is soooo easy going" means that she actually wakes up about 6:30 AM or so, and quietly plays in her crib until we come get her around 7 or 7:30.  And by quietly, I mean silently.  We always thought she woke up at 7:30 when she fussed.  Oh no.  She has fun playing with her stuffed animals or rolling around in her blanket for about half an hour each morning without a peep.  It is so flippin' cute!

Below is a series of pictures that I took in one two-hour span a couple of nights ago.  Poor Stuart has had to put up with me doing this for the past 6 years, and now we have a daughter that does the same. 

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