Thursday, January 19, 2012

A Day to Relax: What is that?

Monday was awesome!  Both parts of my job were closed on Monday for MLK day, but baby girl's day care was still open.  I had a day off with guilt-free baby care!!! Yeah!!!  To start the day, baby girl gave me the gift of sleep.  She slept in until almost 9:00 AM! Stuart (who was working a later shift than normal) and I got up with Corgan, and headed downstairs for breakfast and coffee.  Corgan got milk.  Then Stuart took Corgan to day care and I headed off to massage number one.  Yes.  You heard that right.  Massage Number One! 

A blissful hour later, I headed in to the office to get a little work done. I know that I said I was off, but I almost always go in to get a little work done when no one else is there.  It's so peaceful, and I get a ton of work done.  Next, I went to Folawn's Day Spa on Blanco to redeem one of my Christmas gifts.  My mom had gotten me an Oasis treatment.  It's a 90 minute facial at the same time you're getting a manicure and spa pedicure.  Oh my dear sweet holy man, it was awesome! The room was almost totally dark (the manicurist had on a headlight), with soothing music, and not a care in the world.  I forgot what it was like to really relax. 

After that, I headed back to the office, but not to work.  I changed my clothes, and went for my first 'run' since before I got pregnant with Corgan.  I say 'run' because not even a block into it, my music player died, so I walked the whole way. I don't really get motivated to actually run without music.  I walked around beautiful Castle Hills for 30 minutes (earning me two activity points), before heading out to pick up Corgan on the way home.  Mom came over for dinner (leftover navy bean and mushroom soup with serrano corn bread), we played with baby girl in the loft, and put her to bed before 7:00 PM.  All in all really relaxing...until I fell partway down the stairs, landed on my butt, spilled cold coffee everywhere, caught myself on the baby gate, and bruised my tailbone.  Not the best way to end the day, but up until then it was AWESOME!

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