Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Moving Up!

Yesterday was a big day for us.  Corgan moved up to the next room at day care, and of course, the momma was nervous.  I love where she goes, but I'm always anxious when we change stuff up on her.  She is such a happy kid, with a great disposition, but she does like her routine.

As a 'big kid', she sits in a real chair at a real table for her meals and lessons.  Yes, lessons.  The tables are really cute, because they are only about a foot and a half off the floor, but it's a real table.  No high chairs here.  She also takes her nap on a cot instead of in a crib.  I think that's the weirdest part for me, but apparently she did awesome!  In the span of one week she changed over to no binkies during the day, one nap instead of two, changed classroom, changed teachers, started outside time, and started flashcards.  Now we're starting to wean her off formula and onto whole milk (which she flippin' loves!!!).

The only trouble she had all day was when they went outside.  Apparently when she got to the playground she flipped out.  Every time they set her down, she would pick up her feet and try to keep them off the ground. I immediately thought of a dog in booties:

No, I'm not saying my daughter is a dog, but it's a pretty good visual. She ended up calming down once they started walking around the perimeter with her, but didn't stop crying until they went back inside.  Poor little thing.  All in all it was a good day, and I'm so happy with the place we chose.  They are great teachers and administrators and we're looking forward to going back today.

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