Thursday, January 5, 2012

Poor Baby Girl

Yesterday was not a good day for baby girl's head.  I got a call from day care just after lunch and it started with, "Hi, Mrs. Bankey. Corgan is fine, but..."  That's never how you want to be contacted by your child's day care.  The only thing is that I get that phone call at least once a week.  I gave birth to Evel Knievel.  Corgan fears nothing; not heights, not stairs, not edges, not anything.  This call however was slightly different. Aparently another kid in her class clocked her upside the head with a toy.  Yeah! Corgan didn't hurt herself! Someone else did! I probably shouldn't be that happy, but it was a relief.

One would hope that would be enough for the day, but ooooohhhhh no.  Corgan had other ideas.  We were up in the loft after dinner and after her bath, and we were playing.  The loft is her play room, so that's where all her toys are, and that's where most of our baby proofing is.  But Corgan, being Corgan, managed to trip in just the right spot for her to face plant into the edges of one of the bookshelves.  'Mom panic' set in immediately!  I rushed to her, Stuart looked on rightfully concerned, and Corgan screamed so hard that she didn't breathe for a long time. Finally I got a chance to look more closely, and found that she had smacked the edge right at the corner of her eye socket and broke the skin.  My baby was wounded!!!  I was freaking out.  Not in the panicky, frozen kind of way, but the overly concerned kind of way. 

Within less than a minute Corgan was fighting to get out of our hands to go play and run around again.  There was no actual blood.  She seemed to be fine.  I continued to be concerned, called Stuart's mom (I knew mine was not available to pick up the phone), called Corgan's godmother, all to find out if I should be doing something more than watching her play.  Stuart?  What did Stuart do? He laughed at me!  He hysterically laughed at me!  Now...I admit that I was overreacting, but my poor, perfect child was damaged :(  I am at this point over it, but it was not a fun experience.

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