Friday, January 20, 2012

Slightly Broken and Alone

Wow, does that post title sound bleak, or what?  Don't worry, this isn't a woe-is-me post.  This is actually a count-my-blessings post.  So, let's get started...

If you read to the end of my post yesterday, you know I broke my butt.  On Monday night fell part way down my stairs and landed flat on my tail bone.  Since then, I've been in pain. I'm slightly broken.  In many ways I'm more uncomfortable now than I was after I gave birth to Corgan.  There is something not right with that. I'm sitting on pillows, I'm not moving hardly at all, and then don't get me started on what it's like to sleep like this.  Wait...I did tell you this was about blessing, you go.  When you're in pain, you really focus on what it was like before and what it will be like after.  You remember all those who are in pain daily (like many of my friends and loved ones) and can't do anything about it.  I am blessed.

Next, I'm alone. Kind of.  Stuart went back to grad school this week, so two nights a week he goes straight from work to school and doesn't get back home to after 10:00.  I love the one-on-one time I get with Corgan, but it does make for lonely nights.  I also could've picked a better week to break my butt.  It's been quite the challenge for me to pick up baby girl, but I've managed.  Again, here is the blessings part...I have the best husband. 

When the previous semester ended last December, I got to start a whole month of having a full-time husband again.  We spent a month really living into the family thing.  He totally stepped into fatherhood.  He cooked dinner more than I did, helped out around, played like crazy with baby girl!  I was in heaven!  (SAPPY ALERT) I realized how wonderful it is to have him as the father of my child, and how much I look forward to him graduating.  7 months and counting.  I am blessed.


  1. I remember when I first met Stuart.

    We were hiking in the Texas hill country when this giant bear came out of the woods. He immediately ran in-front of me and used his muscular frame to wrestle the bear into submission. He used strands of his own Samson-esque hair to make a muzzle and reigns. We rode the bear back to camp where he feed the animal, tended to it's wounds, made (yes MADE) it a rabies vaccine, and released it back into the wild. As the beast was walking away, I swear I saw it look back and weep. It knew it was the last time that he would see Stuart again...
