Wednesday, January 18, 2012

I Joined Weight Watchers

Yeah. Joined Weight Watchers. Again.  I'm actually really excited about it.  About a year before I got pregnant with Corgan, I was overweight and at my heaviest.  I decided to join Weight Watchers, and in four months had healthily lost 20 lbs.  It's a great program.  It's not about starving yourself, cutting out all fat, or counting calories.  It really is much more 'all body' and focuses on eating a crazy amount of vegetables and fruit, and it's about getting off your already oversized backside and working out.  :)

For those of you who really know me, you know that the term 'lazy' does not really apply, however, inactive does.  I used to be on swimteam, play sports, and dance.  I danced so much that I practically lived in tights and tap shoes. Since moving state-side, I've little by little become less and less active.  At least last year, my job consisted of standing for 6-8 hours a day, but now I sit for most of my workday.

The last time I did Weight Watchers, I also took on running (reference my posts 'Ship in a Bottle' and 'Smells Like... ').  Part of the program is earning 'activity points,' so I took up running.  Now with a crazy busy job, co-directing the musical, raising a one year old, and doing it all with a husband in grad school, I've all but come immobile in terms of actually working out.  I'm getting back on the program to help me be honest.

I went a little insane with the prep work.  I went grocery shopping for TONS of veggies and then cut them all up (with the help of my awesome husband), and bagged them up.  Each bag is 0 points!  O, happy day!  Eat them with 3 Tbsp of hummus and you have an awesomely filling 3 point snack.  I've also gone through every pantry item and labelled them with a point value by serving.  It's way easier to stick to Weight Watchers if you don't have to look up points and portions.  That's one of my big problems: portion control.  We love food, so we eat a lot of it.  We don't eat unhealthy, but we eat a lot.

Lastely, I'm telling everyone I know so that you can help keep my accountable.  My goal is to lose 10 lbs in two months, which is more than reasonable, but it will require me to GET OFF MY BUTT!!!!!  If you see me on a regular basis, please know that an encouraging word goes a long way, and that a cattle prod works even better.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah!!! so proud of you!!! My husband Sam is a personal fitness trainer who owns his own business....he is "always" talking about portion control!!! You can do it! 10lbs in two months is very reasonable.
