Thursday, January 12, 2012

More Than One

"yes, no bottles, no binkys, no tears when leaving, 1 year old, she crawled, then walked, she climbs, eats solid food, plays, has imagination, laughs…all in 1 year.  Think of what is going to happen when she is 2!"

Stuart sent this to me over AIM the other day, and it hit me.  Being 1 year old is about so much more than changing over to a new year of age.  This is still a hugely big deal, but there are so many other things going on right now. I told you a little bit about all the new things going on in the post Moving Up, but baby girl didn't stop there. In the past week since her birthday, Corgan has taking two huge leaps, and she's made it waaaaay too easy on us.  

1) No more bottles.

We keep the cabinet above the microwave as the 'Corgan cabinet'. One thing we weren't prepared for was the sheer amount of stuff that goes along with having a kid.  We've kept her bottles, formula, cleaning bags, gas drops, Pedialyte, nipples, cleaning bags, sippy cups, and bowls all in this tiny cabinet.  Well...since she went to whole milk at day care we made sure that we never put the milk in a bottle.  She loved the milk so much that she devoured it from the sippy cup even though she would hardly touch the formula from her sippy cup.  One day we just stopped the bottles all together, and I'm fairly certain she doesn't care one lick.  I cleaned out the 'Corgan cabinet' of all the bottle and formula paraphernalia, packed it into a big HEB reusable bag, and stored it in a closet for kiddo number two. 

2) No more binkys.

Three nights ago, on Corgan's birthday, we opted to take away the binky. For a while now she hasn't really wanted it during the day.  The kid is non-stop and binkies just get in the way.  Then, at day care, the binky didn't survive the transition between rooms, so she's been napping without it.  WE figured we would rip off the bandage completely and just put her to bed without the binky.  We had this long conversation about how long we would let her fuss, how often we would go in and comfort her, and who would take what shift during the night so that we wouldn't be too exhausted the next day.  Yeah.  That was a totally wasted conversation.  She psuedo-fussed for about 20 minutes off and on, then slept through the night without a peep until 6:30 the next morning.  The next night she fussed for 5 minutes at bed time, then for about 20 minutes at 12:30.  Last night she was out before we even shut the door, and didn't make a peep until morning.  

I was totally prepared to be an emotional wreck when Corgan turned one. Stuart even made a bet with himself that he could make me cry. He so failed at that.  Really, with all the changes and all the growth, I just kept beaming the whole time.  I have a freakin' awesome one year old!!!

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